The year 2000 will end with a bang and not a whimper after Barnet Council won £38,000 Lottery funding for fireworks.

The grant, announced on Tuesday5/12 by the Millennium Commission, paves the way for New Year's Eve fireworks in Oak Hill Park, East Barnet. The display will complement the traditional New Year's Day fireworks at Copthall Stadium in Mill Hill.

Council officers were racing against the clock to put a funding bid in by Friday.1/12 They are now working to organise safety permits before the event is finalised.

Some £1.5million of lottery funding became available after London-wide celebrations were cancelled by Mayor Ken Livingstone for health and safety reasons.

Councillor Susette Palmer, Barnet Council's lead member for community development, said: "I'm thrilled. This should make a sparkling start to the New Year. It is genuinely good news.

"Congratulations to Barnet's officers for getting this bid in so promptly when they found the money was available."

Sixteen other boroughs, including neighbouring Enfield, Harrow and Haringey, will share the rest of the money.