A GROUP of about 20 fans in Scotland shirts gathered in Trafalgar Square in London yesterday, clutching beer cans, singing, and waving flags.

In spite of overcast skies, some took dips in the fountains and one climbed on top of a stone lion at the base of Nelson's Column to unfurl a Cross of St Andrew.

A group of Brazilians wearing gold strips walked past and were greeted with a good humoured demonstration of what a Scotland fan wears under his kilt.

Scotland fans at the William Wallace pub in the West End said they were incredibly proud of their team.

As the final whistle blew in the small pub, jammed to the rafters with supporters, the crowd burst into a chorus of Flower of Scotland.

Mr Monty Sneddon, from Ayrshire, said: ''I'm very, very proud but I'm also completely gutted. We played incredibly well but lost out to that silly own goal, but at least we scored one more goal than them, even if one was in our own net.''