NOW that the governing party has discovered that the police can on occasion arrest us without sufficient cause, perhaps it will be a little more circumspect in future when contemplating any further transfer of our rights to the constabulary.

Sam Purdie, 235 Rannoch Road, Perth.

I NOTE with interest the many complaints from New Labour that Lord Levy has been arrested but not charged - how unfair, how outrageous, is the cry. Is this not the same New Labour that proposed 90-day detention without trial?

Dr Bill Wilson, SNP Renfrewshire West, 14 William Street, Paisley.

THE news that Lord Levy has been arrested should only remind us that anyone suspected should be assumed to be innocent. But anyone connected with possible charges against him should withdraw from public life pending the declaration of their innocence. Tony Blair should step down and hand over as Prime Minister to John Prescott.

Michael Hamilton, 7 Carlton Street, Edinburgh.