With the popular trend for more and more people to prefer working from home - and the home being increasingly regarded as a haven from stress - the sales team at Bellway Homes' Woodmill development has found that many new home-owners are using third and fourth bedrooms for other purposes. Ideal for the home office, the hobby or music room, or as a playroom for young children, the 'extra' bedroom has taken on a new lease of life. ''We've had a tremendous number of people viewing our three bedroom show homes and in many instances, they are looking for extra space at affordable prices,'' says Marie McLaren, sales

Bellway's Woodmill development at Condorrat is situated on the site of an old whisky bond and 25 three- and four-bedroomed 'Strathblane', Douglas' and 'Blair' homes have recently been completed there. And the fours are winning...