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Death Notice

William (Bill) Dempsey

Published on 11/08/2020

DEMPSEY - William "Bill" 4/6/1942- 5/8/2020 died peacefully in Monklands Hospital surrounded by the love of his family and the love of his many friends. He was a performer, a creator, a storyteller and a community activist. He passed on all his talents and skills to others. In his last few weeks, we learned how many people were inspired by him and loved him and we are grateful to all of you. His body was only the clothes he wore and his generous, humorous spirit is present with us always. Funeral on Thursday 13th August at 11am at Sacred Heart Church, Cumbernauld (restricted) and thereafter Kilsyth Cemetery, walking from Manse Road around 12.15pm. 'Nessun Dorma' - Anne, Clare, Mark, Geoff, Harry, Calum and James.


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