Omar Hamdi discusses politics and the Fringe Punters...

Tell us about your Fringe show

It's an autobiographical show about me growing up in Wales with Egyptian parents. I use my experience to try to make sense of the big issues facing me and the world: Islamic State, the crisis of masculinity, religion...

How does it feel to be playing the Fringe for the first time?

I'm super excited. A lot of people told me to do a debut show last year but I've waited til I've got something really special to show audiences.

Best live act seen at Fringe?

There are too many to just pick one, sorry!

Best thing about the Fringe?

Anything can happen, anyone can be in the audience, and the punters are the most savvy and generous to be found anywhere.

Worst thing about the Fringe?

Being away from Cardiff for a month - I usually visit every fortnight at least.

If you were not a performer/comedian what would you be doing?

I'd be doing a Master's in Political Psychology and then working as a lobbyist.

What do your family think of your show?

My dad doesn't know. My mum is flattered that I did a joke about her vagina on BBC3.

How do you combat pre-gig nerves?

I enjoy it - nervousness is a sign of caring about the audience. I just trust in the product, because I know how hard I've worked to get this far - for this Edinburgh show, I've done more previews than some people have done gigs.

Worst on stage experience?

My ex's best friend turning up to a gig and snapchatted bits to my ex. Now THAT is pressure.

How do you recover from a hefty heckle? Do you have a set of stock replies?

I don't think about it as a 'heckle'. The audience has a right to express itself - by laughing, by applauding, and sometimes by heckling. It's up to me to demonstrate that what I have to say is funnier than what anyone in the audience has to say.

What do you love about Scotland?

It's Wales without the inferiority complex. That's why I love Scotland.

What do you like about Edinburgh?

The weather. It reminds me of Cardiff so I don't get homesick.

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

Wished I could vote in a (Welsh) independence referendum.

Who’s your favourite Scottish comedian?

There are too many! Scots, like the Welsh and the Irish are inherently funny. It's a Celtic survival mechanism.

Favourite joke?

Did you hear the one about the comedian avoiding answering a question? [Insert punchline].

See Omar Hamdi: In the Valley of Kings at Assembly George Square from 27th-30th August.