Lennie Pennie


Lennie Pennie is a poet and the woman behind the online phenomenon of Scots Word of the Day

Lennie Pennie is a poet and the woman behind the online phenomenon of Scots Word of the Day

Latest articles from Lennie Pennie

Lennie Pennie: The perils and pitfalls of adapting Roald Dahl for today's audiences

I recently came across a video promoting the new adaptation of Roald Dahl’s book, The Twits. It featured Greg James and Chris Smith discussing how they might go about creating the most “revolting” character. The illustrator asks them if they'd like a glass eye to be included, to which James and Smith respond, “A glass eye! She needs a glass eye. That's it. What a disgusting pair of twits!”.

Lennie Pennie: The people of this country must always come before profit

One of my very favourite cliches is: “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” You can pick your origin story and exact wording, but the meaning remains consistent: with the right investment and care, we have the ability to lay the groundwork for future generations, so that long after we are gone, they may live a more peaceful, content and enjoyable life than we could.

Lennie Pennie: Men have been made to feel as though their voice won't be heard

I was recently asked by a male survivor of sexual assault why I don't write poetry about men who have experienced abuse. I had to sit with this for a while and consider it, as it wasn't something I intentionally omitted to alienate or exclude men. I do write a lot about my experiences as a woman, but it's never been my goal to leave men out of the conversation as I have the utmost respect and compassion for all survivors.

Lennie Pennie: Ageing isn't a moral failing. Don't believe the skin 'care' companies

ageing seem as though it’s a moral failing, or something that can't be considered beautiful I was watching a video made by a dermatologist about anti-ageing skincare, under which I saw multiple comments from pre-teens asking if it was too early to start preventative anti-ageing treatments, and how they should go about asking their parents to buy them.