Grace Sansom

Theatre Critic

Grace Sansom is reviewing for The Herald as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Society's Emerging Critics Scheme

Grace Sansom is reviewing for The Herald as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Society's Emerging Critics Scheme

Latest articles from Grace Sansom

The Diary of a Fringe First Timer

I think I’ve overpacked to a new extreme. I love a walk, clears the mind, but a walk through Edinburgh city centre with a case and two bags does not clear the mind: it incinerates it. And bruises your bicep - I’ve definitely pulled a muscle. It’s all worth it though! I won’t have to carry such a heavy load for the rest of the week, so I have now built up my strength and I’m invincible. Positive spin for a big week ahead.

The perfect comedian for the Fringe’s hectic atmosphere

It’s a tricky job to bring such joy, light, laughter and empowerment to a damp under room of The Hive on a sticky afternoon, but you can put your trust in Alison Spittle. It would be a cliche to say the Irish comic lit up the room - she did glow in the sweaty spotlight - but I guess it’s really true.