Lee Roden

No biography available.

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Latest articles from Lee Roden

Take action over RBS forgery

AS a customer of and shareholder in the RBS I am appalled at the revelation of forgery (“RBS admits staff forged customer’s signature”, The Herald, February 19). Even worse is that the bank seems to be offering £500 “hush money”. I would hope that this money will come from the individuals responsible and not from the bank – the money would be much better used to enhance interest paid on accounts. I would hope that we will soon hear of appropriate action being taken.

Foot passenger-only ferry for Arran would be a boon

WITH reference to the ongoing discussion about the differing merits of Ardrossan and Troon as the mainland port for Arran, it is my opinion that neither option is satisfactory. Ardrossan is not safely accessible to even powerful ferries when the wind is blowing strongly from westerly directions. Troon is little better and has the additional disadvantages of being further away by sea, too expensive to access and too far from the train station.

Robert Sarver takes on Mallorca a year after failed bid for Rangers

For Rangers supporters, the name Robert Sarver may ring a bell. The multi-millionaire owner of NBA side Phoenix Suns made two attempts to add the Ibrox club to his sporting empire in early 2015. Rejected on the first occasion, he eventually withdrew his second bid, complaining of a lack of negotiation from the Rangers board.