FARADAY Grid, the Edinburgh-based energy technology company, has announced a new partnership with the World Energy Council.

The firm has become an “innovation supporter” with the council, which means the two organisations will actively collaborate in a broad programme of activities, starting with a project looking at how to address increased volatility in electricity grids as renewable energy penetration increases.

Andrew Scobie, of Faraday Grid, said: “To achieve sustainable energy and prosperity for all, we need an energy system fit for the future.

“This means our thinking and solutions need to be truly innovative and transformative. Faraday Grid’s partnership with the WEC is an expression of our commitment to achieve clean, reliable and affordable energy.”

READ MORE: Edinburgh energy firm sets up in Czech Republic

Christoph Frei, secretary general and chief executive of WEC, the UN-accredited global energy body, said: “We’re in the midst of an unstoppable digital revolution which is having a transformational impact on the way we use and produce energy.

“The World Energy Council is constantly strengthening its tools and insights to support a smooth energy transition and learning from leading innovators is critical to deepen our understanding on how new business models and technologies can shape our energy future.”