INGLISTON Estate & Country Club is bidding to broaden its appeal as a tourist destination by opening a luxury motorhome and recreational vehicle park in its Renfrewshire grounds.

The club, based on the outskirts of Bishopton, said it has invested £500,000 to create The Paddocks, which offer 30 hard-standing pitches connected to water and electricity, as well as access to Ingliston’s bars, restaurants, live entertainment, and equestrian facilities. Showers, toilets, washing facilities and a laundry are also on site.

A minimum of 10 jobs are expected to be created by the park, which is designed to be open every day of the year.

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Paul Fraser, managing director of Ingliston Estate & Country Club, said: “Ingliston’s location is at the heart of its charm, not just its views, and we hope the new motorhome and RV Park will open up a new leisure market, which has exploded since the pandemic, that will be of benefit not just to us but the local community.

“As well as an investment in our estate we’re also passionate about generating investment for the local area, including jobs and the wider economic benefits.

“We believe staycations are here to stay and our existing facilities and entertainment, as well as our accessibility to both Glasgow and Loch Lomond, provide all the attributes needed for a terrific holiday. The park is now open and we are really looking forward to extending a warm welcome to visitors.”

Family-owned Ingliston was founded in 2007 and its 100-acre site is said to attract visitors, weddings, and corporate events all-year round. Its luxury equestrian centre is at the heart of the operation.

Operations Gary Clark, who steered the development of The Paddocks project, said: “Creating The Paddocks opens up incredible opportunities to offer new customers a completely new experience including ability to stop off and enjoy Renfrewshire while touring further afield.

“People are also becoming more conscious of reducing their airmiles and a staycation at The Paddocks offers the opportunity to enjoy an eco-friendly holiday in a way that still offers luxury and choice in your surroundings and facilities.”