Donkey Punch (18) Star rating: ** Dir: Oliver Blackburn With: Jaime Winstone, Tom Burke RAY Winstone's daughter Jaime certainly makes an impact in this efficiently executed if deeply unsavoury thriller set in Marbella. The Winstone girl plays one of three Leeds ladettes out for a larf. When they hook up with a yacht crew it looks like our bikini-clad heroines are set for an exciting, glamorous evening; either that, or they are heading for nightmare territory. Oliver Blackburn's debut feature is a slick mix of teen soap and Dead Calm, the boat-bound chiller that gave Nicole Kidman her break into the major league. He manages to bring some fresh ideas and a lot of energy to a familiar scenario, but once he introduces the reason for the film's title, a vile sexual practice you could really do without knowing about, his film speeds out of control, becoming a mish-mash of sleaze, shocking violence and cod horror. As the nastiness becomes unrelenting, you too will begin to wish you weren't there.