Depending on availability, haddock is on my menu more often that not, always popular, as an altenative you could use Hake or Coley, either way, you’ll enjoy this recipe, so tasty!!

What I love about haddock is that when cooked, how nice it is when you have these big flakes that are tender and light, enjoy!

Smoked haddock, leeks, white wine herb cream

Serves 4

2 x fillets smoked haddock

1 pkt x chives

100ml x milk

3-4 sprigs x dill

2 tbl spoon x sunblushed tomatoes

3-4 sprigs x parsley flat

2-3 shallots

¼ pint white wine

200ml x double cream

20g x butter


Cut the haddock into even pieces and put on a tray with a little milk.

Peel and slice shallots thinly

Chop leek at a slight angle, getting a nice rondele of leek. Wash, dry then cook in boiling salted water. Draining and put on a tray even portions.

Soon as they are cold with the shallots put in a wide pot with the butter add leek trimmings and smoked haddock trimmings fry no color then add white wine, reduce down then add cream, bring to the boil the puree until smooth then pass through a fine sieve.

Chop flat parsley coarsely ,

chop chives finely

chop dill not too fine.

Cut sunblushed tomatoes into even sized pieces.


Place smoked haddock pieces in oven, put leek in oven at the same time, when haddock cooked put in a bowl, leeks on top, bring sauce to the boil. Drizzle sunblushed tomatoes over and around. Drop herbs last minute into the sauce then sauce over and around.