A ROBERT Cunning­hame Graham Society is being formed to celebrate the writer, politician, and traveller, who made a notable contribution to modern Scotland through his involvement in the founding of both the Scottish Labour Party and the Scottish National Party.

. Alan MacGillivray pens an imaginative profile.


(When asked by a woman if it was true that he was the strongest claimant to the Scottish throne and might one day be King of Scotland, Robert Cunninghame Graham replied, "Yes, I believe that is true. And what a three weeks that would be!")

His brief benevolent despotic reign

Saw startling changes made throughout the land.

Blatant respectability was banned

(Except in Edinburgh); trips to Spain

And South America were added to

The school curriculum; a law was made,

Protecting discreet demi-mondaine trade;

All titles were abolished, any who

Maltreated horses were condemned to die,

The poor and sick received their rightful dues.

Such misrule gave offence. It came to pass,

One day he saw a guillotine dragged by

The Art Club window, knew he had to choose,

Lit out on horseback for the seas of grass,

Where, last was heard, an exiled king still moves,

Proud, noiseless, printless, upon unshod hooves.