This week's tip comes from Kendal McWade, the professional at Bonnyton Golf Club, Eaglesham.

A GOOD tip to help groove the swing for the little pitch shots is to practise hitting the ball only using the right hand.

There are a few key check-points. First of all, make sure that the wrist is cocked when the backswing reaches approximately hip height (see picture). From there, you will be in a position to make a hammer-type hitting action through the ball.

The correct finish position should see the player turned fully through to face the target. A lot of club golfers make the mistake of trying to keep the head down and still for too long.

That often results in a poor, flicky sort of shot that is certainly unlikely to produce the desired result.

Hitting even little shots just with the right hand is very difficult. But I would recommend that you persevere. It will help your game.