POLICE in riot gear moved in as violence flared among celebrating English football fans at the weekend.

English fans, hurling glasses and bottles, chanted at the heavily protected officers: ``Are you Germans in disguise?'' The violence broke out on Saturday in Trafalgar Square afer the match at Wembley where England beat Spain to reach the Euro96 semi-finals.

Scotland Yard said there were 81 arrests. Thirty-seven were charged, 11 bailed, and 33 were either cautioned or faced no further action.

The bulk of the arrests were for ticket-touting, drunken behaviour, and public order offences.

Police also had to break up a large-scale disturbance involving around 150 youths in Hull. Nine people were arrested.

A police spokesman said: ``It started out as a fairly good-natured reaction to England's victory but turned violent and threatening.''

Fighting also broke out between Spanish locals and 50 English football fans on the Costa del Sol early yesterday.

Bottles and stones were thrown between supporters from both sides on the seafront at Fuengirola. English and Spanish bar owners said that English fans had started the trouble. Three English fans were arrested.

There were reports of further fighting in Torremolinos.

q A wave of wife-beating could follow if England are knocked out of Euro96. The warning from Dr Mac Armstrong, secretary to the British Medical Association, follows reports of a sharp rise in domestic assaults on Scottish women after England beat Scotland 2-0 .

Speaking at a briefing before the BMA's annual conference, beginning in Brighton today, Dr Armstrong said the level of marital abuse in Edinburgh last weekend went up between 7% an 10% in the wake of Scotland's defeat.