THERE can be few more apposite comments than Julia Langdon's relating to the comportment of Peter Mandelson, Minister without Portfolio (August 5).

The Labour Party's admirable policy espousing consensus politics is ill-served by the curdled mentality Mr Mandelson publicly presents, apparently with the Prime Minister's approval.

Labour's role-confusion is a sign of political adolescence which, surely, causes the public to be apprehensive of the future. Is such a dichotomy to be a continuing feature of Labour rule?

Of special concern in this respect is the anticipated change in Scottish politics. Can the Scottish nation thole the prospect that, within the ranks of aspiring members of the Scottish parliament, there is lurking a Peter Mandelson, a Norman Tebbit, or an Iago? An assurance from the Scottish Secretary, Donald Dewar, would be helpful.

Otherwise, come September, the answer could, with justification, be no and possibly a double no.

William Docherty,

Chairman, Movement for

Christian Democracy,

22 Inveresk Place,


August 5.