THE attempt to foist off on those who worked hard for the creation of a Scottish parliament, the arch-Unionist and right-wing British nationalist, Brian Wilson, can hardly be construed as a conciliatory gesture. Even Michael Forsyth would be a more acceptable figure. At least he did not vacillate on the subject and is a respected and honest Tory.

Brian Wilson moved from being a radical Scottish Nationalist and partner of the West Highland Free Press to owner and unionist right-wing Labour hack, whose career bent in the direction of being a Labour candidate in the Highlands and whose rhetoric consisted of accusing Home Rulers of being ''fascist'' and ''racist''.

Like Neil Kinnock, his only talent bringing him to prominence was the need for tame Celts to speak agin the folly of Home Rule. Anti-Marketeer Kinnock's reward for doing deals with the Tories against devolution was a family job in Brussels.

Wilson's reward was a top position in the Scotland is British Campaign, backed not only by right-wing Tories, the Chamber of Commerce and the CBI, but the neo-fascist Economic League and Aims of Industry.

Not only did those two organisations run a blacklist of Socialists, active trade unionists, and nationalists, but helped to smash the miners' union by also funding the breakaway dummy miners' union, then abandoning them when they were no longer needed. Odd that the Unionist Labourite media in Scotland chooses to run a silence on Wilson's political soulmates against a Scottish parliament.

Brian Wilson was also most vocal and smug in attacking Jim Sillars for putting his point across in the Sun and ignored the Sun's comments that he did not return their cheque during his period of writing Labour and Unionist propaganda for them. Nor has he commented on Rupert Murdoch's volte-face in helping the Labour Party into office. Like the last Labour pay freeze, when Labour sent the troops into Glasgow to scab on striking dustmen and firemen, Wapping never happened.

It would be strange indeed if the assembly champions of the Lib-Dems, church, and others were not to demand that Wilson be only elected on to the team with a democratic 40% clause. Brian Wilson fought for that clause rather than clause IV.

New Labour is now showing its contempt for the Scottish people by rubbing their chief opportunist-in-waiting in their faces. Who can doubt now that the devolution sop is a mere electoral ploy against a proper Scottish parliament?

Donald Anderson,

22 Southampton Drive, Glasgow.

May 6.