PUPILS at Oban High School are preparing to hold a demonstration in support of two teachers who were suspended last week.

They plan to display banners calling for the reinstatement of Brigid Bell and Richard Yule, who were sent home from the Argyll school after what were described as ''serious allegations'' against them.

Neither the police nor the education authority would confirm the nature of the allegations.

Procurator-fiscal Brian Maguire confirmed that an investigation, initiated after the school's recently appointed rector, Linda Kirkwood, reported the couple to the police, was now over.

He said: ''The police have informed me that, as a result of their inquiries, they have not discovered any evidence to formulate charges of criminal misconduct.

''No criminal charges have been reported to me.''

One pupil said: ''If the police can find nothing wrong, why should they still be suspended?

''These two teachers are special. They aren't just teachers, they're friends to many of us. They'll listen to our problems when others won't, and we want them back.''

An investigation by Argyll and Bute Council into what education committee chairman Councillor Ian Gillies described as ''serious allegations'' still goes on.

A spokesman for the education department said: ''The council's internal investigations are ongoing and we can make no further comment.''

Mrs Kirkwood was not available for comment, but deputy head Ken Moncrieff said: ''Our position is very much the same as before. Any comments on the matter must be made through the local authority.''

Miss Bell, a religious education teacher, and Mr Yule, a geography teacher, also would not comment. Miss Bell said: ''You can understand that we've been told to say nothing by the education authority, and we're following that advice while things remain as they are.''

Both are in their 20s.