IAIN Duncan Smith has been accused of snubbing the Scottish people by finally agreeing to make a trip to Edinburgh for talks over the Government's controversial welfare reforms only because he is in the capital for a conference.

The Work and Pensions Secretary is due to address a £350-per-head event organised by outsourcing firm Capital, but the convener of the Scottish Parliament's Welfare Reform Committee is annoyed the secretary of state for work and pensions' advisers said he could only "find an hour" for a private meeting with MSPs on the day of the event, March 27.

The committee has been attempting to make the Tory minister give evidence on the bedroom tax and other welfare reforms. After five attempts, Mr Duncan Smith has finally agreed to meet the MSPs privately.

Convener Michael McMahon said: "He will still not agree to give evidence in public and on the record. We still feel this is not treating the committee with respect and is a snub not just to Parliament but the people of Scotland who are suffering from the changes he is imposing."

Committee member, SNP MSP Linda Fabiani, added: "It is deeply telling that no matter how many chances they get, the architects of the bedroom tax simply will not appear in public before the Scottish Parliament."