A man who filmed himself shouting abuse at a former Scotland footballer has been fined £600.

Aaron Laing, 25, from Dundee shouted, swore and made abusive and sectarian comments to ex-goalkeeper Andy Goram on Saturday January 19 in Ladbrokes bookmakers in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.

Laing was in a pub nearby when he learned that Mr Goram, a former Rangers footballer, was in the betting shop.

He entered the shop shouting at Mr Goram, using his mobile phone to film the incident. The footage was later uploaded to YouTube.

Laing was sentenced at Peterhead Sheriff Court after he pled guilty to threatening and abusive behaviour.

Vicki Lee Bell, football liaison prosecutor for the north of Scotland, said: "There is no place in a modern Scotland for behaviour motivated by prejudice, discrimination or bigotry of any kind.

"It is the right of everyone to go about their business without fear of humiliation, harassment or abuse.

"The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service will continue to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to such offences and bring those who perpetrate such crimes to justice."