First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has accused David Cameron's government of doing a "good job" for the SNP.

Her comments came just hours after the Conservatives pushed through plans to restrict the voting rights of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs in the  House of Commons.

The SNP leader used the micro-blogging site Twitter to tell the Conservatives: "Whoever advises Tories on Scotland is doing good job - for @thesnp."

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has accused David Cameron's government of doing a "good job" for the SNP.

She added that the party's position on issues like 'English votes for English laws' would drive support for Scottish independence.

Under Evel the Speaker will be required to judge if a Bill is ‘England only’ or ‘England and Wales only’.

There will then be an extra vote in the Commons asking MPs representing seats in England, or England and Wales, to 'consent' to the legislation.

Critics say the plans create two tiers of MPs and accuse the Tories of  gerrymandering.

Conservative ministers say Evel will bring "fairness" to the devolution settlement which in turn will help secure the future of the Union.