Scottish singer Eddi Reader has said that David Cameron's description of people opposed to air strikes in Syria as 'terrorist sympathisers' is a  'slur on the morality of the Scots populace'.

Mr Cameron came under fire from MPs and anti-war campaigners after he urged Conservative MPs not to go through the division lobbies with people who he described as a "bunch of terrorist sympathisers" in the crucial Commons vote on military action.

Reader, a prominent advocate for Yes Scotland, said on Twitter that Mr Cameron's comments were a 'direct slur' on the population's morality and showed that the UK's 'union is over'.


Former First Minister Alex Salmond said yesterday that Mr Cameron's comments were 'deeply insulting' and demanded an apology.

MPs voted by 397 to 223 last night in favour of extending British action to quash IS, also known as Isis, Isil and Daesh, from Iraq into its Syrian strongholds - a majority of 174. Fifty seven of Scotland's 59 MPs voted against the air strikes.

RAF tornados carried out air strikes in Syria within hours of the result, with Typhoons from Lossiemouth joining UK forces in Cyprus yesterday.