Former Holyrood minister, MSP and MP Cathy Jamieson hit her new career running straight after being unseated in the SNP surge.

The Labour stalwart was one of the first defeated members to get back in to the world of work, taking up a post as managing director of the charity Care Visions Residential.

Ms Jamieson had worked in the charity sector before becoming a full-time politician.

The former Kilmarnock MP, 59, said: "I just didn't stop. I went from one thing to the other."

The Herald: MSP Cathy Jamieson

But Ms Jamieson understands why so many of her other former Westminster colleagues - many of whom are approaching retirement age, have still to find their feet.

She said: "People are thinking 'Well, I have done a pretty tough shift'. "They might want to take a bit of time before they do something or not being looking fore full-time employment or different roles in public life.

"A number of them felt it had been quite a tough campaign and were therefore keeping heads down for a wee bit and recovering and revitalising."

Ms Jamieson was speaking to The Herald as part of a wider survey of what defeated MPs are doing now and what they think about Scottish politics post-Tsunami.

Former Liberal Democrat MP Jo Swinson also talks about life after politics and her view of Scotland.

The Herald:


The Herald:


More: David Leask on the wisdom politicians develop after they are defeated.