Scotland Yard are investigating Hollywood star Kevin Spacey over a second alleged sexual assault dating to 2005.

It is understood the Oscar-winning actor is facing a sexual assault allegation after the Met were already investigating him over another assault allegation from 2008.

They were both alleged to have taken place in Lambeth, south London, against separate men, police said.

Kevin Spacey allegationsKevin Spacey (Matt Crossick/PA)

The second allegation was made on Friday, police said.

The Met declined to identify the alleged attacker but said in a statement: “On Wednesday November 1, City of London Police referred an allegation of sexual assault to the Metropolitan Police Service.

“It is alleged a man assaulted another man (Victim 1) in 2008 in Lambeth.

“On Friday November 17 a further allegation was made about the same man.

“The allegations are of sexual assaults against a man (Victim 2) in 2005 in Lambeth.

“Officers from the Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command are investigating.”

The second allegation was made a day after an internal investigation by the Old Vic revealed 20 people claimed they had experienced inappropriate behaviour by Spacey, who was artistic director of the London theatre between 2004 and 2015,

They released the findings at a press conference where the theatre’s executive director, Kate Varah, apologised and said it had been a “dismaying time”.

Some 14 of the 20 male complainants were told they should consider going to the police, the press conference was told.

It is not known whether the latest investigation by police is linked to the Old Vic’s findings.

Spacey has been replaced by Christopher Plummer in the upcoming film All The Money In The World and fired by Netflix series House Of Cards since actor Anthony Rapp first accused the 58-year-old of harassing him when he was 14.

He claimed Spacey had placed him on a bed and climbed on top of him following a party at his apartment in 1986.