MHAIRI Black has blamed stomach problems and the norovirus for having one of the worst voting records at Westminster in the aftermath of the general election.

The SNP’s youngest MP was criticised in mid-October after voting just five times since her re-election in June.

In an interview with Holyrood magazine, Ms Black revealed why she had been absent and said there was a unsympathetic, bullying attitude among some MPs.

Mhairi Black: Sturgeon needs to talk to her MPs more

She said: “This job takes a real toll on people, in every sense - emotionally, physically and mentally. The constant travel is just a field day for bugs and germs.

“I was really unwell for a few months back there with stomach problems and I’m still getting tests but I literally couldn’t get out and about.

“Then I got the norovirus as well. I kept calling it the no-voter virus because I just couldn’t get into my work to vote. I wasn’t fit to travel and was given a medical line, etc, and yet the entire time I was getting sent dug’s abuse for not being in, not voting.

“Twitter, Facebook, email was full of it and it even crept into the workplace itself.”

The Paisley MP, seen as a rising star since being elected aged 20 in 2015, said a Tory MP with a “smug grin” told her during the Budget: “Oh, how nice of you to join us, Mhairi’.”

She went on: “I knew the other Tories could hear so I thought, no chance am I taking crap off this guy... So I boomed back, ‘Aye, and poor health, have ye’ heard of that?’ to which his face dropped, he went bright red and began profusely apologising.

“I’m still on the mend, but when I was telling my doctor about that encounter and many others, they were astounded at how horrible it was down here.”

Mhairi Black: Sturgeon needs to talk to her MPs more

She has now voted in 45 of 73 votes since June.

Ms Black said she retained her “disdain” of Westminster and its archaic procedures.

She said: “I don’t enjoy it in the slightest. It is over 300 miles away from my home, it is filled with sociopaths, and if it was any other building, health and safety would shut it down in a heartbeat….It is not a parliament that is fit for purpose.

“I certainly don’t want to spend my life at Westminster.The number of failed marriages, affairs and miserable and soulless relationships that exist at Westminster is pretty depressing.”