LABOUR backbencher Laura Smith got a “bit carried away” when she called for a general strike to oust the Tories from power, Tom Watson, the deputy leader, admitted.

Speaking at a Momentum-run fringe, the MP for Crewe and Nantwich declared: “Comrades, we must topple this cruel and callous Tory Government as soon as we can.

“And if we can’t get a general election, we should organise our brothers in the trade unions to bring an end to this government with a general strike.”

Rebecca Long-Bailey, the Shadow Business Secretary, asked about her colleague’s comments, said: "Well that's not our position. Laura is an absolutely amazing MP; she's one of the North West MPs with myself, she's so full of energy and enthusiasm, but we're certainly not advocating general strikes as Labour Party policy."

She added: "Just to make it perfectly clear a general strike is not Labour Party policy."

Mr Watson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "Well, it's not particularly helpful but she is a new MP and she was at a big fringe event - nothing to do with the party organisation - and I'm sure she got a little bit carried away."