LOTS. Of. Vibrating. Energy. LOVE.

It’s clearly no coincidence. Not only do those first letters spell out another word, it’s one that is perfectly described by the sentence. Spooky, yes, but there are no chance occurrences in this universe – acronyms are just one of the countless ways the creator chooses to communicate with us.

And as a communicator myself, I'm ok if you don't have the patience for this flowery scene-setting and simply want to scroll down to the outrageous, salacious Andrew/reptilian stuff I'm mostly known for. I'll see you down there.

But for my true fans, the inquisitive, restless truthseekers who fill arenas all over the globe to hear me impart wisdom - except for Australia where I'm banned - know that every single hair on your head is numbered, like every grain of sand. Each atom in this universe has a purpose, and if you could zoom into each quark, gluon, electron and neutrino you'd see they are all made from infinitesimally tiny strings that vibrate in differing frequencies – creating all surrounding physical matter. And this music our primitive human ears can never hear is what love truly sounds like. Lots Of Vibrating Energy. Creation itself. 

The Herald:

Infact, if you can tear yourself away from that tracking and profiling tool you call a “phone” for a second – and unplug your brain from the monstrous psy-ops mass enslavement tool known as the “internet” – you should pick up my 53rd book The Trigger to discover “reality” as we know it is simply an illusion. And you’ll also find out how Kate Bush carried out 9/11.

The Herald:

The Trigger’s online exclusive offer of £13.15 is surely a small price to pay for true enlightenment on Silicon Valley's satanic digital prison which has made cellmates of us all with its predictive algorithmic evil, with a discounted Kindle edition now on a special deal at Amazon. Check my Twitter for more details and blog updates. Fellow truthseekers can also add me on Facebook and Instagram. 

The Herald:

New followers will quickly learn that my brain is very special. Yet, despite knowing everything, I’ve never needed to study so-called “science” and certainly not the “news”! Never even heard of quantum physics or string theory either. I’ve always just known how everything works.

Like how there’s a harmonic code locked into all atomic matter and if you listen closely enough – to dates, times, names, events – you’ll hear the universe sing. Or, if you’re not attuned to the cosmos like I am, simply buy The Trigger, where you’ll discover not only the shocking truth behind human existence (we’re a genetically engineered slave race created and cultivated by trans-dimensional aliens) – but also the fact there are no such thing as coincidences.

The Herald:

I’ve got your number

So, when I heard that a prominent member of an elite global power family – whom I’ve repeatedly accused of being a reptilian shape-shifting extraterrestrial – was subjected to an excruciating, hairy bollock-exposing interview last week, I wasn’t surprised. It was always meant to be – an event long-knitted into the grand synchronistic tapestry of life.

The Herald:

It was certainly no surprise either that it was my long-term nemesis, Andrew Windsor, who crashed and burned. For it was almost 28 years to the day that another infamous car crash BBC interview left the nation reeling with incredulous shock – my own.

The Herald:

Why did the universe decide the cosmic see-saw should be re-balanced exactly 28 years later? Many mystical reasons, but note there are exactly 28 letters in the phrase ‘Prince Andrew Windsor David Icke’. And my book revealing all the Royal Family’s dark secrets, The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy, has 28 chapters. Again, there are no coincidences.

So, it was clear the cosmos was calling upon me to pay attention – or, as I like to say, the Cosmic Joker giggled in my ear. It’s also perhaps notable that Heath Ledger, whom I believe was the best Joker – and is now one with cosmic infinity – died aged 28.

The Herald:

Always remember, no coincidences. The universe sings in perfect harmony.

Alien to the truth

YOU’LL perhaps recall me confessing to Deep State plant Terry Wogan in 1991 that I was the “chosen one”, informing this be-wigged, ignorant stooge – and 18 million of his viewers – that our moon was not a moon, but a hollowed out alien spaceship serving as both observation post and amplifier for frequencies from Saturn that control our minds.

The Herald:

As troublesome as this truth proved to be for Wogan’s tiny mind – a prophet is never accepted in his own lands after all – at least that was a real interview. Watching Andrew being gently tickled by Emily Maitlis last week, it didn’t take long for me to realise the whole thing was a sham – as staged as the moon landings or Tom Cruise’s relationships.

My suspicions were confirmed when Andrew did something that was truly unexpected – he confessed. To everything. His true alien nature, I mean.

The Herald:

With the jaw-dropping admission that his reptilian body was incapable of sweating, it seemed he was finally confirming all my theories about his extraterrestrial bloodline – even going as far as to accompany this revelatory confession with repeated flicks of his tongue and strobe-like blinking to moisten his serpentine, bulging, swiveling eyes under the harsh studio lights.

True disclosure

MUCH like the US Navy’s recent admission of the existence of UFOs, this suddenly seemed like a moment of true disclosure – one where the world finally learns the truth I’ve known for years.

The Herald:

Which, for those not aware, reveals the existence of a secret Babylonian Brotherhood uniting the mass media, the scientific community, the banking system, all major religions and militaries.

The Brotherhood, however, are mere foot-soldiers and facilitators for greater a mass-manipulating psy-ops evil – headed by the UN, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rothschild family.

The Herald:

Yet, that’s merely scratching the surface. These organisations themselves are mere puppets of the true Global Elite, who are ultimately controlled by “the prison wardens” – a malevolent inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons (or Anunnaki) from the constellation Draco. So now you know.

The Herald:

Tinfoil-hatted extremists from both sides of the Scottish independence debate may also be surprised to learn that The Herald not part of this or any other conspiracy. Believing such a thing would just be mad.

Put up your Dukes

INITIALLY, I admit it was self-preservation that drove me to study the Maitlis interview closer. My main concern was that Andrew’s sharing of The Biggest Secret would leave me destitute – with no more conspiracy theories to sell to wilful contrarians who consciously choose to reject the status quo. So I studied the iPlayer rerun closer – and, alas, the universe sang to me.

The Herald:

Now, I can expose this “interview” as yet another red-flag operation organised by leading Archons as reality distortion to distract from the truth of their global rule. This became conclusively clear this week when Andrew supposedly “retired from royal duties”. Mm.

Clearly, this global broadcast was designed simply to reassure all fellow Archons across the globe that the erratic, unpredictable Andrew was being exiled back to their home planet – and that The Biggest Secret would remain.

The Herald:

More than any Archon before him, ‘Randy Andy’ had come closest to inadvertently pulling the curtain back on the shadowy extraterrestrial elite who run the world – and had to be publicly punished as a warning to other Archons to keep a lower profile.

The Maitlis interview, likely a hologram beamed from Saturn, was simply Andrew’s final mission before being retired for good by reptilian overlord Elizabeth Windsor.

The Herald:

It was still a close shave at the end, however, when Andy’s reptilian inability to empathise with Epstein’s victims almost gave the game away in regards to his true alien nature. Note how he gave just enough information away to confirm his Archon bloodline, yet never went as far as revealing his full true alien form – can’t have the world realising David Icke isn’t mad after all!

The Herald:

And finally ...

TO those in the know, that interview will simply have confirmed the obvious truth that our reality runs on an operating system programmed with disinformation and manipulation to misdirect us from a sinister global conspiracy of royals, bankers, Satanists and sexual deviants.

The Herald:

Not that you’d have learned this in the complicit mainstream media’s blanket vanilla coverage for the brainwashed masses. They even reported Andrew had taken advice from brother Charles – perhaps because of his similarly close friendship with an evil paedophile, Sir Jimmy Savile.

The Herald:

Yet, three things to note – one, only a deeply relieved Archon would have expressed such toothy-grinned delight – and an unprompted exclamation of “Yes!” – upon Maitlis’ reference to Jeffery Epstein being dead. Clearly unable to hide the joy that many secrets will stay buried.

Yet, the question remains over what Andrew had in common in the first place with a randy jet-setter who owned homes all over the world, had inestimable wealth yet seemed to never have worked a day in life.

The Herald:

Still, it was Andrew's much-commented upon squinty tie that was more of deliberate indicator of his reptilian bloodline – its wildly askew position sitting at exactly 33 degrees, a clear shout out to the Freemasons who first welcomed Archons into their fold many centuries ago.

The Herald:

Finally, notice how Andrew’s left knee remained over his right leg for the entire interview. It’s well known that Archons become weak as their cells recalibrate for the long journey home and you never saw Andrew walk to or away from that chair. The likelihood is that he is still sitting there in Buckingham Palace, gathering what remains of his human body’s strength to eventually slip his reptilian essence between the folds of the multi-universe to return home.

The Herald:

You're likely amazed at how I spot all these things, but keep paying attention to the small details and the universe will sing to you too. Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion. The late Terry Wogan knows that now. And one day, you will too.

The Herald:

Love (Lots Of Vibrating Energy),

David x


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