CAR parking charges at three of Scotland’s largest hospitals are to be waived until the end of September to ease the burden on staff during the coronavirus crisis.

Charges had already suspended at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and Ninewells Hospital in Dundee for three-months, until the end of June.

However Health Secretary Jeane Freeman today announced a three-month extension at the sites, all of which were part of the private-finance initiative (PFI). 

Glasgow Royal Infirmary charges up to £1.80 an hour, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary £7.20 a day and Ninewellls £2.40 a day.

Their suspension follows a deal between the government and the firms running the car parks.

Ms Freeman said: “The staff of the NHS should not experience any unnecessary difficulties whilst they continue to go above and beyond during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

“Our health and safety are their top priorities, and so it’s important we remove any barriers that get in their way.”

The Scottish Government scrapped charges at NHS car parks in 2008, saving patients, visitors and staff more than £39m since. 

However PFI contracts stop the Government abolishing charges at three car parks, and there is no contractual right to renegotiate or buy out the contract.