I WRITE as a result of skill and resources which were mobilised from the first day of life within the NHS.‬

‪However, I recognise the shortcomings of our healthcare system. Being a frequent service user since infancy has allowed me the privilege of building relationships with staff and gaining their views.‬

‪As a citizen of this country I understand the competing demands for resources for all nature of things.‬

‪It would be natural to assume I would support the NHS. You would be correct – after all, turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. ‬

‪Despite my personal interest in continuing the service I argue a nation’s defence, wealth and prosperity are, at least in part, founded in the health and wellbeing of its citizens. Think of problems of recruiting healthy people into the forces during the First World War due to the depleted health of the nation.‬

‪Resources are finite, no nation can be all things to all men, but we can and should do what is possible.‬

‪A nation which looks after its people, while respecting basic human rights, reaps the benefit of a healthy workforce and greater cohesion and stability of society. This further provides more conducive conditions for economic prosperity.‬

‪At its inception the NHS was never envisaged to be carrying out the variety of treatments it now does. Nor was it foreseen that life expectancy would increase as it has, or that advances would allow survival of even more. The expansion and strains on services reflects success.

‪Nonetheless we should reassess our NHS priorities. Lack of early intervention increases challenges to access services, unless in dire circumstances, and can lead to escalating and costlier issues as needs can become severer and long term.

‪Resource allocation can fail our young and other vulnerable sectors. Deprived juveniles are at risk of presenting as our health, social and criminal concerns.‬

‪It is proffered that business and money moving in relieves strain on the NHS, and thus on the government. I would argue against this. ‬

‪I remember vividly when Romania opened up with terrible images of orphanages. I saw in stark terms what my future would have been. Even if I had miraculously survived, I would have been left in a cot for most of the day with no stimulation, resulting in mental and emotional issues. ‬

‪Having been cared for in Scotland has provided a certain quality of life. My family was not secure, and did not have the wherewithall to ensure my wellbeing. I recognise the privileged position I have in continuing to receive all medical and surgical intervention as needed. There are concerns of limited resources and access to services but when I consider what the alternative could be I am one of the luckiest people living.‬

‪We don’t need to dismantle Bevan’s legacy. There should be a national conversation about coming to a consensus as to our priorities. ‬

‪It is not about throwing the baby out with the bath water, but securing our NHS baby’s future.

Kirsten Miller, Renfrew.