The Holyrood inquiry into the Scottish Government’s handling of allegations against Alex Salmond will hear from its first witness today.

Leslie Evans, Scotland’s top civil servant, is due to give evidence before a cross-party committee of MSPs in the inquiry’s opening session on Tuesday.

The investigation was launched after the Court of Session ruled the Government's actions in dealing with the complaints made were "unlawful" – with ministers paying out £512,250.

Here's everything you need to know.

READ MORE: TV REVIEW: The Trial of Alex Salmond. Was the documentary fair?

What is the committee investigating?

Scottish Parliament’s website says the committee will “consider and report on the actions of the First Minister, Scottish Government officials and special advisers in dealing with complaints about Alex Salmond, former First Minister, considered under the Scottish Government’s ‘Handling of harassment complaints involving current or former ministers’ procedure and actions in relation to the Scottish Ministerial Code”.

Who is on the commitee?

The commitee is headed by SNP MSP Linda Fabiani, with Scottish Conservative Margaret Mitchell as her deputy.

The rest of the committee is made up of SNP MSPs Alasdair Allan, Angela Constance and Maureen Watt. Liberal Democrats MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton, Labour MSP Jackie Baillie, Conservatives MSP Murdo Fraser and Greens MSP Alison Johnstone.

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The Herald:

When does it start?

The committee will start today at 11am as it questions its first witness.

Who will be giving evidence?

Scotland’s most senior civil servant, Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans will be the first person to give evidence.

Alex Salmond and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will also give evidence at a later date.

The Herald:

Where can I watch the inquiry?

You can watch the inquiry on the Scottish Parliament’s TV service:

We will also be reporting on the events both online and in print.