I SYMPATHISE greatly with Linda Watson and her mother and the situation they find themselves in ("‘The rest is back to normality but I can’t hold my mum’s hand’", The Herald, September 1). As a family we have recently had the misfortune to enter the social care system in Scotland. Until about five weeks ago my father, who suffers from dementia, still stayed in his own home with a lot of family support. Following a worsening of dementia symptoms and other health issues he was admitted to hospital.

After a two-week stay with one designated visitor each day he was transferred to an assessment unit in a care home in order to plan for his future needs. On transfer he was immediately put into isolation for 14 days. He had no idea where he was or why he was there. He was not permitted any family visits, only seeing staff from the home, who no matter how caring, were total strangers. We rely on making a short telephone call to the home each day to find out about his condition and the reports they give us are concerning. At the end of the 14 days he will be allowed one 20-minute visit per week by appointment. After the end of the assessment he is likely to be placed in long-term care which will mean a second period of isolation for a further 14 days. This is despite the fact that so far he has had at least four negative Covid tests.

How can this be an appropriate way to care for an ill and confused 95y-ar old? The answer to any query we have about this is "It's because of Covid".

I am sure if anyone had bothered to ask him or many others in a similar situation they would said they would prefer to take their chances with Covid rather than be separated from loved ones towards the end of their lives.

As a veteran of the Eastern Fleet he received a letter from the Scottish Government on VJ Day thanking him for his service. This thanks rings hollow in light of his current situation. Like so many others he is suffering the consequences of errors made in care homes at the start of the pandemic and the subsequent panic to rectify them. There must be a better and more humane way to look after the most vulnerable members of our community and as always I wonder what happens to those who do not have family who try look after their interests.

J Wilson, Glasgow G77.