New lockdown restrictions in Scotland have come into place with a number of bars and venues closed in a bid to restrict the growing number of Covid-19 cases.

What are the new restrictions?

Until October 25, pubs, bars and restaurants will be closed in five health board areas – Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley, Lothian and Ayrshire and Arran – affecting more than three million people. These venues can offer a takeaway service, and cafes within the central belt are allowed to stay open during the day, but cannot serve alcohol.

READ MORE: Coronavirus Scotland: 1,009 new cases of Covid-19 in last 24 hours

Elsewhere in the country, hospitality venues can open inside from 6am to 6pm to sell soft drinks and food and can serve alcohol outside only until 10pm.

On Friday, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the action was necessary to avoid more fatalities after a further six coronavirus-related deaths were recorded in the past 24 hours, adding the decision was “horrendously difficult” to make.

The Scottish Government said it will make an additional £40 million available for affected businesses.

What has been said about the changes?

Nicola Sturgeon spoke about the new measures before they were introduced saying: “I hate every aspect of what we are doing right now with every fibre of my being.”

 “I don’t want to be doing any of this, but like countries all over the world right now, these are unavoidable decisions to try to get and keep this virus under control.

“It is horrendously difficult for decision makers, but more so for the people who live with the consequences of the decisions.

“We’re trying to do it as best we can.

“But don’t forget why we’re doing it, because if we don’t make these tough decisions, this virus will run unchecked, more people will die.

“There is no alternative, because if we don’t take these steps… I will be standing here in a week, in two weeks, in a month, and the numbers that I am reading out today for people dying will seem like nothing.

“And I don’t want to do that if there are things we can do to stop it.

“This is a global pandemic of a horrible virus that can kill and make people seriously ill. We’ve got to try to stop it.

“It is tough, it is horrendously tough I know that, but we have no alternative right now and I am afraid that is just the reality.”

READ MORE: Scotland lockdown: Bartenders protest pub closures by dumping ice in Glasgow, Edinburgh & Aberdeen

What has the reaction been like?

The decision has been questioned due to the lack of transparency over the move.

The Scottish Licensed Trade Association posted on Twitter: “Absolutely ridiculous that on the day new regulations come into force we still do not know what licensed premises in the central belt will be allowed to open till 6pm for food only – shambles.

“What is a ‘licensed cafe?’ Find out maybe today!”

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard took to social media wrote: "No consultation. Crucial guidance published just six hours before restrictions kicked in. Hospitality giants announcing huge lay-offs. Bar-owners taking direct action in Edinburgh and Glasgow. The SNP has treated Scotland's hospitality sector appallingly this week."

In pubs and bars in Glasgow hospitality workers staged a protest by dumping a pile of their leftover ice in the street outside the City Chambers.

Dozens of hospitality workers joined in and were cheered on by members of the public who gathered in support.

Similar action was taken outside the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh and Union Street in Aberdeen.