As The Herald launches its Tackling Loneliness series, here are 12 things you could do to help someone in your community this Christmas. 

  1.  Write a letter, Christmas card, or postcard or just drop a note through the door
  2.  If you don’t know your neighbours, now is the perfect time to introduce yourself and let them know you’re there if they need help
  3.  Offer to help with shopping or picking up prescriptions – with cold winter weather it can be even more difficult for many older people to get out
  4. Offer to help with pets, for example taking a dog for a walk
  5. Stay in regular touch with older friends and relatives by phone or video call
  6. If an older relative isn’t confident with technology, you could help them set up video calling on their smartphone or laptop so you can stay in touch
  7. Assist someone with setting up an online supermarket delivery
  8. Arrange to watch the same TV programme and call for a chat afterwards
  9. Make sure people have plenty of entertainment – for example you could drop off books, magazines or puzzles
  10. Drop off home-baking or a home-cooked meal to someone living alone
  11. Find safe ways to meet up, for example a chat on the doorstep or walk if the weather permits
  12. Don’t forget to smile and say hello when you’re out and about.

Compiled by Age Scotland.