More than 800 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Scotland during the past 24 hours.

New figures from the Scottish Government show that there have been 803 confirmed cases of the virus since Friday.  

A total of 29 new deaths were registered during that time, while 1,154 people are being treated in hospital for the disease - 102 of them in intensive care.

Overall, the death toll now stands at 6,945.

In that time, 19,882 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results – 4.6% of these were positive.

The 4.6% test positivity figure is important as is is below the 5% level considered by the World Health Organisation to indicate the epidemic is under control. 

As of this morning, 1,412,643 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 33,473 have received their second dose.