WE have all missed live concerts and choirs over the last year or so, no-one more so than those talented musicians and singers who brighten up our lives.

Now, the wait for new music is over.

Today, we are sharing a ‘virtual’ performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria from the acclaimed Bearsden Choir.

Under the directorship of Andrew Nunn, the choir strove to keep music alive during the lockdowns by rehearsing weekly on Zoom video calls.

This evolved into ‘inspire’ sessions followed by a first venture into online production which produced two movements from their cancelled Mendelssohn's Elijah concert with more than 90 members of the Choir uploading videos of themselves singing alone in their homes. The resulting videos of ‘He that shall endure to the end’ and ‘He, watching over Israel’ can be found on the Choir’s YouTube Channel. 

Now the Choir is unveiling a truly unique project which combines live and virtual recordings to create an online performance of the whole of Gloria by Vivaldi. To this end professional soloists and musicians from the McOpera ensemble recorded the work, in its entirety, at The Trades Hall of Glasgow. Then members of Bearsden Choir recorded and uploaded their individual parts for every chorus from their homes.

We hope you’ll agree with us that the result is stunning.



For more information, see https://bearsdenchoir.com/ or https://en-gb.facebook.com/bearsdenchoir/