MAYBE it’s just the heat, but the world appears to have gone stark raving bonkers in the past few weeks as the country becomes increasingly paralysed by Covid.

Everywhere you turn, there is another dire warning about the virus as the campaign to spread fear and alarm across the UK gathers pace.

From rows about face masks on trains to the “pingdemic” which has left millions isolating at home and supermarket sjhelves empty, it appears that every single aspect of our lives is now governed by Covid as the rules continually dominate.

The only thing that is clear amongst the blizzard of contradictory facts and guidance is that the country’s leaders appear to have totally lost control of the situation.

But it’s not just the leaders who are obsessed with all things Covid – our major educational institutions are seemingly only researching the virus now.

Those that are not are instead churning out reams of research papers into the devastating effects of climate change to counter the hysteria surrounding Covid.

I received a text last week from Public Health Scotland asking me to participate in a Covid study following my latest test – which was negative.

Apparently to understand the effects of the virus on sufferers it is important to also find out the general health of people who have not had it. This, allegedly, is to help gain a better understanding of Covid.

No, I’m still lost too. What possible benefits can someone who has not had Covid bring to a research project into the effects of Covid?

I haven’t been run over by a bus either but no-one is ever going to ask me what it feels like. Extremely painful I would imagine, but it’s better to ask someone who has been to find out.

The very short, on account that I have never tested positive, questionnaire that I filled in included a question about what symptoms I had experienced in the past 12 months, one of which is a headache.

I suspect that everyone in the past year has suffered several headaches given the situation. But if you admit it in the survey are you now classed as being a potential victim of Covid?

This, of course, will boost the numbers even higher even if there is absolutely no evidence.

Soon the number of projected or positive cases will actually exceed the total population in a bid to justify something draconian further down the line.

Fear and alarm is now spreading faster than the Delta variant and the Government, who have pinned everything on the vaccine, have resorted to bribery.

In a bid to get more youngsters to be vaccinated, plans are in place to make only double jagged folk get into nightclubs. They are either trying to get an older clientele into clubs permanently or it’s a warning shot to the young to get vaccinated – or else.

Either way, it smacks of segregation and should be resisted at all costs.