Where is it?

Tormain Woods, Ratho, Edinburgh.

Why do you go there?

I grew up in a small village in Ireland and I've lived in several places since I left home at 18. I have travelled all over the world, but there's something really special about where I live now.

I moved to Ratho five years ago and discovered these amazing woods on my doorstep. It's a gorgeous place full of magic and megalithic stones.

How often do you go?

I go everyday if I can. I'm a trained seasonal yoga and Pilates teacher and trees are so grounding and healing to me. I have a couple of favourite trees: one that has grown into the shape of both man and woman and another that has big, outstretched arms, watching over the village.

The Herald: Folk singer Heidi Talbot. Picture: Euan RobertsonFolk singer Heidi Talbot. Picture: Euan Robertson

How did you discover it?

I've always been drawn to folklore and stories of a metaphysical nature. There is a local legend about one of the stones called "the witches' stane".

Legend has it that it was used for healing by a local witch, but it was blown up and the remnants are in a pile in the woods. There are many cup and ring markings on the stones up there. It feels ancient and earthed.

There's a great sense of peace and it's pretty remarkable that the woods are surrounded by fields and countryside while only being a couple of miles from a major airport, motorways and less than eight miles from Edinburgh city centre.

What's your favourite memory?

The sun streaming through the trees and a hawk swooping close to my head as it tried to catch a hare that ran across my path. The hare got away. The hawk was majestic.

I wrote the first song on my new album in the woods that day. It took 15 minutes. That never happens to me. I like to think I caught it there.

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I spent so much of lockdown walking and singing or writing ideas into my phone. I really think where you are informs your creativity and, for me, Tormain Woods are vibrant with creative energy.

Who do you take?

It depends on the day. I love walking there alone and taking my time. I'm a total tree hugger. I take my daughters there a lot.

There's a couple of tree swings and some perfect climbing trees. I encourage my girls to hug the trees too. They'll humour me sometimes but mostly think I'm bonkers.

The Herald: Folk singer Heidi Talbot. Picture: Euan RobertsonFolk singer Heidi Talbot. Picture: Euan Robertson

What do you leave behind?

My anxiety. Tree hugs. There's a fairy door in one of the trees where locals leave little toys, and you're allowed to take one if you leave something in its place.

Sum it up in five words.

Magical. Green. Lush. Abundant. Protective.

What other travel spots are on your wish list?

Bali, India and Egypt, but for now I'll settle for a beach in Menorca with my two gorgeous girls.

Sing It For A Lifetime, the new album by Heidi Talbot, is out now