What’s the story?

Pompeii: The Discovery with Dan Snow.

Tell me more.

Historian Dan Snow travels to Italy to delve into one of the greatest archaeological time capsules of all time and learn more about a story that has long captivated and intrigued: what unfolded in the final hours of Pompeii?

In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted, covering this once bustling Roman metropolis – its buildings and inhabitants alike – under a thick layer of hot ash, molten rock and pumice. The ruins were discovered by a surveying engineer in 1748.

What can we expect?

Snow follows in the footsteps of treasure hunters and archaeologists who, across the centuries, have sought to explore – and sometimes plunder – this lost city. He retraces some of the remarkable finds, including a theatre uncovered 25 metres (82 feet) beneath the volcanic debris.

Anything else?

An impressive gladiatorial arena offers a glimpse into the large-scale spectacle of Roman sport, while an upmarket bathhouse reveals fascinating secrets. Contender for the coolest find: a “fast-food bar” complete with brightly painted walls showing the dishes on offer.

Snow also examines photographs and records to ascertain exactly how close Allied bombs came to destroying Pompeii as they rained down on the site during the Second World War.

When can I watch?

Pompeii: The Discovery with Dan Snow is on Channel 5, tomorrow, 9pm.