It has been more than two decades of dedicated community campaigning to return a historic bath house to its former glory.

But now soaring costs are once again causing delays to the reopening of Govanhill Baths, a local facility closed by Glasgow City Council in 2001 in the face of fierce protest.

The Baths had been mooted to have reopened this year but now the trust behind the refurbishment says it will need another £6.5 million to complete the project.

While the building has hit a milestone of seeing all external renovation work completed, there is a significant shortfall in funding to complete the interior.

The Herald:

Alex Wilde, chairman of Govanhill Baths Community Trust, said: "After 22 years we are still fighting for the reopening of Govanhill Baths.

"It is a huge disappointment to us that the funding which we fought so hard to secure is no longer sufficient to complete the refurbishment as planned and the budget does not enable the building to be fitted out with everything it needs to function.

"We are at a crucial point where we need to keep on fighting for the building that this community so desperately needs and deserves after all this time.

"We are asking the community, supporters, partners and funders to stand by us so that we don’t lose the momentum that we have fought so hard to gain."

The Trust says the construction project has been hit by delays and spiralling construction costs caused by covid and exacerbated by Brexit, the war in Ukraine and cost of living crisis.

Govanhill Baths Community Trust said it is seeking financial support from backers in order to realise its vision of reopening the Edwardian building as a wellbeing centre with two swimming pools, sauna, gym, and café.

Govanhill is one of Scotland's most socio-economically deprived areas and also one of its most diverse.

The Herald:

Reopening Govanhill Baths would, says local SNP MP Alison Thewliss, be of importance to the community.

Ms Thewliss said: "While it is positive to see that progress is being made on the refurbishment of the Govanhill Baths, there is still a long way to go before this project is complete.

"A number of factors including inflation and Covid-19 have caused unavoidable rises in costs.

"With new funding, the Baths would be able to reopen and thrive once again.

"I will continue to work with those involved at the Baths to ensure that all possibilities are explored and the reopening of such an important place can take place as soon as possible.

"In these difficult times for many, such a pillar of the community being open could make a huge difference to so many lives.

"The Govanhill people deserve to have a place to swim again."

In 2011 Nicola Sturgeon and the actor Peter Mullen opened the first phase of the redevelopment of the building - an entrance foyer, theatre space and community rooms.

Then, 2017 the teaching pool opened and swimming was available in Govanhill for the first time in a decade.

Progress at the building - largely led by volunteers - has been painstaking but locals were determined to see the Baths brought back into use.

When the local authority shut the swimming pools in 2001, activists occupied the building, remaining in situ for weeks before being evicted by police in a dawn raid.

Completed works has successfully conserved the entire roof, stone walls and windows, the concrete structure has had extensive repair, historic features have been preserved and structural alterations made to get the building ready for its future use.

The Herald:

The repaired building includes a completely restored roof with all the rooflights repaired or renewed, allowing light to flood into the building while keeping the rain out.

Tours of the building to see some of the new features inside the building will take place during Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival in September.

Niall Murphy, chairman of Govanhill Baths Building Preservation Trust, said: "We are proud that the first stage in the refurbishment of Govanhill Baths has been completed and extensive works to the fabric of the building have reversed years of decay.

"Decades of disuse haven taken a great toll, but we’ve turned the clock back and now have a building fit for the next 100 years."

READ MORE: Is Govanhill Baths an example of how to fix our broken politics?

The Trust said delays and huge price increases mean the original budget - also around £6m - wasn’t sufficient but they are working with all funders, to identify solutions.

The wider work of the charity continues alongside the refurbishment, with running the seventh Govanhill International Festival and Carnival until August 13 to celebrate the diversity of Govanhill.