Planned strike action by drivers working for Glasgow's main bus company has now been suspended as union members consider a new pay offer from the company.

First Bus drivers were due to walk out on Friday for seven days of industrial action that would have included 1200 drivers.

Unite the union has now halted the action after a new deal was tabled, stopping what would have been extensive travel disruption across the city.

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Planned industrial action between Friday, November 24 and Friday, December 1 has been cancelled.

A spokesperson for First Bus Scotland said the company appreciated the situation would have caused uncertainty for passengers and apologised for this.

He said: "Following further talks with union representatives, we can confirm a new offer will be put forward to union members for ballot by Unite with unanimous recommendation of acceptance.

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"We appreciate the uncertainty this will have caused our customers and employees and wish to thank them for their patience while the discussions took place.

"All First Bus services across Greater Glasgow will operate as planned."

Bus services will now operate as planned.

The bus drivers previously voted by 99% in support of strike action on a turnout of 77%.
Unite industrial officer Willie Thomson said: “Following intense conciliation talks with First Bus a significantly improved pay offer has been put to the workforce. 

"Unite’s 1200 drivers will be balloted on the new offer and we have agreed to suspend the forthcoming industrial action until this process is complete."