Comedian Connor Burns shares his favourite place ...

Where is it?

Kintyre. I tried to pick a specific part but really the whole peninsula is gorgeous. Dramatic scenery, lovely people, great whisky and a Paul McCartney song … What’s not to like?

Why do you go there?

I usually go there with my girlfriend every year right after the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The festival is an amazingly chaotic experience, but by the end of August I tend to need a break from the hustle and bustle of Auld Reekie.

Kintyre has become a bit of a tradition now. I think it has the best of both worlds in that it’s attached to the mainland but, being a peninsula, it has the secluded feel of an island.

How often do you go?

Usually once a year, however, part of the allure is that it’s only a few hours’ drive away. So, if a few days appear free on the calendar we have been known to throw caution to the wind and head up. I never regret it.

How did you discover it?

If you really want to discover Scotland, date an American. My partner booked a cottage there on a whim and I had, embarrassingly, never been.

Her curiosity paid off. It’s amazing how much us Scots take this place for granted. I urge you, pack up the car and head there. Take a couple of jumpers.

What’s your favourite memory?

The first time we went we stayed in a cottage with a wood-fired hot tub. The night air dipped just below freezing, it was pitch black and I sat in the hot tub with a wee dram from a bottle of single malt I had bought in Campbeltown that day. I don’t think I’ve ever achieved that level of relaxation since.

Who do you take?

My girlfriend, Addison, and our nine-year-old chihuahua, Pudding. I know, pretty rock ‘n’ roll, eh?

What do you take?

A car full of comfort food and booze, usually. Oh, and wellies. Don’t forget your wellies.

What do you leave behind?

My laptop. There’s a complete ban on work: I don’t answer emails, check texts or social media. I love my work and really might have the best job in the world, but the Kintyre landscape demands my full attention. Oh, and leave your nice trainers behind – there will be mud.

Sum it up in five words.

Escape. Dramatic. Cosy. Still. Friendly.

What other travel spot is on your wish list?

Within Scotland I definitely need to do some more island exploration, so probably Orkney next. But beyond Scotland, I’m a big country music fan, so I think a trip to Nashville may be on the cards. Either way it involves whisky – whether it has an “e” in it or not.

Connor Burns: Vertigo is at Perth Theatre on February 3; Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, on March 9 (extra show added); and the Garage – as part of Glasgow International Comedy Festival – on March 22 and 23. Visit and