Plans for student housing at a site previously earmarked for homes have been recommended for approval.

The Vita Group plans with CDA architects and Turley are for student accommodation for 267 at New Waverley North in Edinburgh in place of a previously approved proposal for 90 build to rent homes.

The developer said earlier that the new plan was in response to the Scottish Government’s rent freeze policy, a measure partly aimed at easing cost of living pressures.

The new plans include three affordable homes.

READ MORE: Student flats to replace abandoned city centre homes plan

City of Edinburgh Council officials have said the new application should be granted, with councillors to decide on Wednesday.

"The uses are compatible with the mixed character of this city centre area," a council report stated.

"The student use will not have an adverse impact on maintenance of a balanced community. It is of an appropriate design and will not harm the qualities that justify the inscription of a World Heritage Site or its setting."

READ MORE: City centre student housing plans approved

Vita Group said: "The site benefits from planning permission for residential development.

"Until recently the intention had been to build out this permission as 'build to rent' residential accommodation.

"Interest in the site for BTR accommodation was withdrawn, however, when the Scottish Government introduced a ‘rent freeze’ from September 2022."

READ MORE: Student housing plans for bingo hall

The mixed-use plan includes a commercial or community unit.

The council report also said: "A car-parking free development is appropriate in this location.

"Sustainable features are incorporated. The implementation of mitigation measures will safeguard the living environment of future occupiers and in turn prevent limitations on the activities or potential re-development of neighbouring sites.

"Overall, there will be no unreasonable impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents. Other material considerations support the presumption to grant planning permission."