A conman who narrowly avoided jail over domestic abuse charges involving four Scottish women he targeted on dating apps was accused of similar crimes in Hong Kong.

Kieran Donnelly was chastised by a sheriff at Paisley Sheriff Court on Wednesday as "aggressive" and "controlling" and with very little insight into the impact of his conduct.

The Herald told how the 43-year-old would meet women on dating apps, charm them and then very quickly become aggressive and abusive.

He was believed to be messaging as many as 50 women at once who he would meet on apps such as Bumble and Plenty of Fish.

The victims of Kieran Donnelly speak about the terror they experienced

However, his reputation as dangerous towards his romantic partners began while he lived overseas where he was accused of stealing from 12 women and other male victims.

While in Hong Kong in 2018 he was charged with overstaying his visa and was also accused of taking a women's laptop and cash from another woman.

His victims in Scotland said he would ask to borrow money but never pay it back and that cash and personal items such as toiletries would go missing from their homes.

These allegations are mirrored by statements made by women who dated him in Hong Kong; he would say he had forgotten his wallet or bank card, borrow money and never return it.

Donnelly uses the false names Kier Breslin, Kier Donnelly and Keir Thomas - his victims believe so that he evades internet searches that show up the allegations against him in Hong Kong.

One woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: "We only went on a handful of dates when I was living in Hong Kong but when I broke up with him he responded worse than my ex-husband did to our divorce.

"He seemed to take it well to his face but just about a week later the messages started coming through, increasingly threatening messages, and then the phonecalls started.

"It was absolutely awful. So stressful and relentless. Also, I didn't know the guy so I didn't know what he was capable of so it became terrifying.

"I was watching over my shoulder all the time."

Donnelly claimed to have a lavish lifestyle, his victims said, telling them that he had multiple properties in Hong Kong and a flat worth around £1 million in London.

According to local reports, two women filed police reports for theft - one of HK$6000 cash, a HK$1,500 watch and a notebook from their homes.

He is also alleged to have been facing police charges for domestic abuse and thefts when he left the country.

The Herald has had sight of the transcript of official complaints and supporting testimony lodged by women who dated Donnelly, which contain distressing details of alleged physical abuse.

One woman says she was hospitalised due to the extreme stress caused by the relationship with Donnelly.

Bumble conman Kieran Donnelly is sentenced for domestic abuse charges

Another says she loaned Donnelly a significant sum of money but this was never returned.

Women have also written posts on ex-pat Facebook pages in Hong Kong warning both men and women away from any relationship with Donnelly.

One woman wrote: “This is Kieran Donnelly. He is a manipulative con man who has been targeting men and women in Hong Kong for several years.

"He tells very good sob stories and steals money and valuables from people all over the city."

In court, Donnelly's defence brief said none of the allegations in Hong Kong had been proven against his client.

Sheriff Brian Mohan told Donnelly he was a "needy" man with a "warped attitude towards relationships", adding that he had "developed a bleak outlook" towards women he dated.

The sheriff further described Donnelly's actions as "sinister, threatening and frightening".

Paisley Sheriff Court heard how Donnelly harassed women in Glasgow, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, and Dumbarton between between August 2019 and January 2020 when he first returned from Hong Kong.

Donnelly, using the name Keir Breslin, acted aggressively towards the women, threatened them and made repeated accusations of cheating against them.

In one case he refused to give a woman back the key he had to her home and acted aggressively towards a man who asked about her wellbeing when he saw Donnelly being physically aggressive to her in Stravaigan pub in Glasgow.

Initially there were six women named in charges against Donnelly but he pleaded not guilty in relation to two of the women and those pleas were accepted.

Sheriff Mohan sentenced Donnelly to a two year community payback order with a condition that he attend the Caledonian men's project, a scheme aimed at domestic abusers.

He was also banned from contacting the four women in any way and will face jail if he breaches the order.