Young Scottish musicians are being encouraged to apply for funding in memory of a teenage girl killed in a terror attack. 

Fourteen-year-old Eilidh MacLeod, from the Isle of Barra, died in the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017. 

She was a huge fan of American singer Ariana Grande, whose concert she had been attending, and also a keen piper. 

Read more: Mother of Scots victim tells inquiry her world was ‘torn apart’ by bombing

The Eilidh MacLeod Memorial Trust was set up in memory of the talented musician, to help young people access music lessons and tuition. 

Musicians of all genres and disciplines have until midnight on Tuesday April 30 to bid for financial support this year. 

The Herald: Eilidh MacLeod was a talented musician and played the bagpipesEilidh MacLeod was a talented musician and played the bagpipes (Image: Eilidh MacLeod Trust)

Trust founder, Suzanne White said: “We want to hear from musicians and groups across the length and breadth of Scotland that feel they need some financial support.

"So far we have made over 60 grant payments to a wide variety of groups and individuals from singers, choirs and pipe bands to orchestras and brass bands.

"We are proud of the positive impact that our funding is already having for young musicians across the country and we’re looking forward to seeing the success it continues to have in Eilidh’s memory.”

The trust supports music education for young people reflecting Eilidh’s own love of music and her musical ability and enjoyment as a piper with the local school pipe band.

The Herald: Eilidh played in the local pipe band, often travelling and competing with themEilidh played in the local pipe band, often travelling and competing with them (Image: Eilidh's Trust)

The small grants charity targets its help towards groups and individuals to grow and develop their music tuition capacity and ensure lessons continue to be available to all.

Trust support is offered to help young musicians grow in their abilities and confidence as performers.

The Eilidh MacLeod Memorial Trust will also manage and maintain a permanent memorial to Eilidh and a garden of remembrance and reflection on Barra.

Applications for consideration should be made via Eilidh's Trust's new website. 

Successful applicants will be informed as soon as possible after the closing date. To apply for funding, visit

Read more: Tributes paid to ‘compassionate and witty’ Barra teenager

Eilidh was one of 22 people killed in the Manchester Arena terror attack on May 22, 2017. 

Her mother Marion MacLeod told an inquiry how she had been waiting to collect her daughter and a friend from the concert that day. 

She said: “I was just about at the corner across the road from the arena where I told Eilidh I would be waiting for them when I heard an enormous explosion.

“The ground shook and that was when our whole world was torn apart.”

Tragically, Eilidh died in the blast set off by an Islamist suicide bomber. Her friend Laura MacIntyre survived but was badly injured.

Read more: Heartbreaking tributes to Manchester Arena victim

Following Eilidh's death, there was an outpouring of tributes to the "kind and compassionate" teenager. 

Her primary school teacher Michelle Mclean said: “You are taught not to have favourites but some children just stick with you, and Eilidh was one of the girls that stuck with me.

“She brought this warmth and glow about her. She had a special sparkle in her eyes. She was such a loving young girl. She loved, she laughed, she smiled."

The inquiry chairman said: "Eilidh lived on the beautiful island of Barra and the beauty of the surroundings where she was brought up shone out in her personality. She enriched the lives of many.”