Scottish firms with aspirations to export to the US can tap into expert advice at an event in Edinburgh next week.

The Scottish North American Business Council (SNABC) has teamed up with law firm Burness Paull, Delta Airlines, the states of Iowa, Pennsylvania and South Carolina, and US TaxxFS to offer a quick, practical introduction to international trade opportunities with the US.

More than 60 Scottish small and medium-sized enterprises will have a chance to meet experts who can advise on the best opportunities for their products and services across the Atlantic, and offer practical tips and guidance on how to establish and grow businesses in the market.

The SNABC notes that the US continues to be Scotland’s top international trading partner, with around 17% of all Scottish exports, worth £5.5 billion, entering the market.

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The event takes place at the Edinburgh office of Burness Paull on Lothian Road on Thursday May 23.

Allan Hogarth, executive director of SNABC, said: “This is a great opportunity to have your questions answered by an expert panel able to address all your areas of concern, as well as to hear from Scottish companies which have already found success across the Atlantic who will share their experiences and top tips for you to learn from.

“You will also have the opportunity to meet representatives of US States who can offer advice on where in the US you could consider setting up or exporting into.”

Speakers at the event will include: Laurie Farris, minister counsellor for commercial affairs at the US Embassy London; Nora Rothrock, managing director of USTAXFS; Raul Kalsi of Delta Air Lines; Jack Hillmeyer of the US Consulate in Edinburgh; Iain Ritchie, chief executive of Priocemx; Stuart White, director of Sanondaf; Dr Marie Macklin founder and executive chair of The Halo Urban Regeneration Company; Grace McGill, partner at Burness Paull; Murray McNicol, founder and chief executive of Spoonfe; Jim Rae, chief executive of Docs 24; Jennifer McLean, chief operating officer of Raven Controls; Ian Stevenson chief executive of Cycacomb; Michelle Maddox, founder of Clootie Mctoot Dumplings; and Kenny Wiggins, strategic adviser of Scintilla.

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