Hackness Martello Tower and Battery has reopened for the season following the completion of a stage of ongoing essential conservation works.

Visitors to the attraction, located on the island of South Walls, in Orkney, can explore rare and well-preserved coastal defences built to protect merchant shipping interests during the Napoleonic Wars.

The battery joins Bishop’s and Earl’s Palaces in Kirkwall, which has also recently reopened further areas of the site to the public, where visitors can explore more of the town’s oldest surviving domestic building and one of the best-preserved buildings from the medieval era.

Sian Evans, Regional Visitor and Community Manager (North) at Historic Environment Scotland (HES), said: "We’re happy to be welcoming visitors back to these two iconic sites.

"These historic attractions contain invaluable stories about Scotland's past, and we're thrilled that they can once again be explored."

The sites join a number of HES sites across Orkney welcoming visitors this season.