Forecasters of warning of disruption on the roads with slow-moving thunderstorms hitting parts of Scotland on bank holiday Monday. 

Two yellow weather warnings for rain have been issued by the Met Office as a band of rain sweeps in. 

The yellow thunderstorm warning for northern and eastern areas of mainland Scotland lasts from 11am to 10pm on Monday, with 30mm to 40mm of rain and disruption possible in local areas.

READ MORE: Scotland issued yellow warning for rain as sunny spell ends

The Outer Hebrides and the Isle of Skye was also issued with a separate warning for rain in place from midnight to 9am, but it is not expected to be as heavy.

The alert for eastern and northern parts says flooding could occur, while power cuts may be caused by lightning strikes. 

It comes after large parts of the country saw slow-moving showers and thunderstorms throughout Sunday following heavy rain earlier this week.

Greg Dewhurst, meteorologist at the Met Office, said: “There are some subtle differences – I think generally, England and Wales will see less frequent and less heavy showers compared to Sunday, so there should be some longer, drier spells in between.

“But it is worth, if people are heading out, having a brolly and raincoat as there is a chance almost anywhere of having a shower, true for Northern Ireland too, actually.”

READ MORE: Met Office issues yellow weather warning covering parts of Scotland

Temperatures will be around average for this time of year ranging from 17C to 19C across the UK, but it will still feel “on the fresh side” under any cloud or rain.

Thicker cloud is expected move in across south-west England by the end of the day with the chance of patchy rain, but any lingering showers should fade as the evening progresses.