A COUNCIL has issued a warning over people taking matters into their own hands after Sir Rod Stewart was filmed trying to repair potholes.

The 77-year-old singer posted a film of himself fixing potholes on a road near his home and complaining about the state of it.

Videos on the 77-year-old singer's Instagram account showed him shovelling gravel in Harlow, Essex, claiming "no-one can be bothered to do it".

In one, he said: "People are bashing their cars up. The other day, there was an ambulance with a burst tyre. My Ferrari can't go through here at all."

But now a council has urged people not to carry out repairs by themselves.

Sir Rod's post has had over 84,000 likes in a day and prompted comments praising his actions.

He has been hailed by locals who live in the area for repairing the potholes.

Among those supporting him was Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood who replied: "Bravo Rod!"

But an Essex County Council cabinet member has warned that anyone attempting to repair a road could become liable for accidents.

The Herald:

Lee Scott, who is responsible for highways maintenance at the authority, said: "You can't take matters into your own hands.

"People must always report potholes to the council and we will fix anything that's dangerous."

In his Instagram post, Sir Rod claimed the road had been in need of repair "for ages" but that "no-one can be bothered to do it".

He bemoaned the damage poor road maintenance could cause to his Ferrari.

“People are bashing their cars up,” he said. “The other day, there was an ambulance with a burst tyre. My Ferrari can’t go through here at all.”

“We are filling in the holes ourselves while millions and millions of pounds are being spent on the M11,” he added.

Sir Rod wore a tracksuit and hi-vis tabard to do the shovelling, after he was mocked on Instagram for wearing all-white to clean out his garage during the first lockdown.

Mr Scott promised he would "endeavour to rectify it".

He said: "All road repairs have to be done to a professional level or the person doing it could become liable for any problems or accidents".

He said he would be happy to arrange a meeting with Sir Rod to discuss the issue.

His intervention came after his wife Penny Lancaster revealed she had made her first arrest as a police officer after pulling over a drug driving suspect.

She has started working as a special constable with the City of London Police last year after completing training.

She was recently on mobile patrol with colleagues when they stopped a car with two people inside.vealed she has made her first arrest as a police officer after pulling over a drug driving suspect.

The Celtic and Scotland-daft singer released his latest album The Tears Of Hercules in 2021, which peaked at number five in the UK albums chart. He is a member of the US Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and was knighted by the Queen in 2016.

A spokesperson for Essex Highways said: “Whilst we appreciate Sir Rod’s commitment to improving his community, we would discourage anyone from doing work on the roads themselves because without proper traffic management and other specific safety measures, residents are putting themselves at risk.”