Government inspectors had to step in to prevent elderly people being injured at a home that has now been threatened with closure.

Welfare and safety at Dalawoodie House Nursing Home was being compromised by risks "which cannot be tolerated", care regulators said.

Residents at high risk of falls were attempting to move around unsupervised and there were occasions when inspectors had to intervene "to prevent injuries being sustained" or help people eat or go to the toilet because of insufficient staff.

The home, which is on the outskirts of Dumfries and is run by Glasgow-based Downing Care Limited, was graded unsatisfactory and weak in every category following a snap inspection. The owners have been been given four weeks to make improvements or risk losing their registration.

The Care Inspectorate report states: "We identified major weaknesses in critical aspects of performance which required immediate remedial action to improve experiences and outcomes for people." 

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Residents were not being provided with adequate opportunities to access baths or showers.

Record keeping was poor and this was particularly evident in people at risk of dehydration or malnutrition. 

Where a risk had been identified, there was "an absence of monitoring".

There were gaps in entries about medication and information relating to residents' care and support was not always being shared between staff during hand-overs.

Some residents said they were  'bored" because there was a lack of activities.

The inspectors witnessed some caring interactions between staff and residents but said elderly people were facing delays for personal care.

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The report states: "Throughout the inspection, we observed people asking for assistance to support them with basic needs, such as help to go to the toilet, access food and drinks, mobilising and emotional support when stressed or distressed. 

"We saw people having to wait for help for extended periods of time, or their expressed need was not observed or noticed.

"Inspectors had to intervene as staff were unavailable to provide the support needed."

Covid infection control risks are also highlighted in the report. An employee was observed leaving an isolation room where someone had Covid-19, removing the visor and placing it in a clean PPE station. 

There was a lack of consistency in approaches to screening visitors arriving at the home, which had 34 residents at the time of the unannounced inspection on June 20 and 21.

Dalawoodie House has been given until September 1 to make a series of improvements including increasing the number of "competent" staff.

Another states that," the provider must ensure people experiencing care have confidence the service received by them is well led and managed. 

It adds:"You must support better outcomes through a culture of continuous improvement, underpinned by robust investigations when serious incidents occur."

The warning follows earlier inspections where the care provider failed to address failings.

The Herald has contacted the home for comment.